Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I woke up this morning and did my usual thing, made a coffee and sat outside in my beautiful garden. Came indoors, OK! whats to be done today? shall I do this or shall I do that? I have a choice!
I realise there are millions of people across Australia (the World) asking themselves the same thing 'What would I do if I lost my home?' after watching what has happened in Victoria over the past weekend
But some of these poor souls have not only lost their homes, they have lost family as well. I don't know about you, but my thought processes can't cope with that, and nothing has happened to me, so how are they coping??

So let all of Us, Dig Deep and Donate to The Red Cross Appeal - and send
Positive Thoughts to Victoria and Try and Lift Them Up

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

2009...and I have Cross Stitch Block...what to do??

'Happy New Year to All, may we all be Happy and Healthy'

Well as you can tell from the title things aren't good. I stopped stitching during November while the renovations were happening, lots to do, painting, paving, gardening etc. and by evening I was pooped, so no stitching. December preparing for Christmas (which was wonderful) still no stitching.
Does anyone know if you can get counselling 'Stitchers Block'?

Things aren't all bad though...I can read...and I'm re reading the Diana Gabaldon Series to ready myself for the 7th in the series 'An Echo in the Bones' which should be published at the end of the year Woo! Hoo!